Danila was in Moscow, Russia today attending the GQ Man of the Year Awards Ceremony at the Mayakovsky Theater.
He won best actor of the year! Congrats Danila!
He won best actor of the year! Congrats Danila!
On Stage:

With His Award:

After Party:
Click HERE for pictures from the GQ after party
Danila winning his award
Interview with kp.ru
"Actor of the Year" took Danila Kozlovsky. He also went and the main prize - a victory in the main category, "Man of the Year." The man said that if he was given the right to confer this award, it would have went to his mother."
Short Instagram Video
Tweets with Zoey :)
Interview with GQ:
Talks about Vampire Academy and his other films
GQ Man of the Year 2013 -Danila Kozlovsky
This year, the work of GQ suddenly became easier: in Russia finally became true, no discount for time and place, a Hollywood film star scale. Before you hand him the award for "Person of the Year 2013", the chief editor of GQ IDOV Michael Kozlowski took the interview.
I’m trying to imagine how your year turned out to be such a powerful one and couldn’t believe it: “Spy”, “Legend No. 17″ and “Soulless” all came within twelve months.
Yes i released three movies during the year.
Not just three movies…
Two successful movies, “Spy” has failed but I love it. I think it is fresh in an unusual kind of heroic comics.
Of course, this is Captain America, only Russian.
Unfortunately, he did not become popular. I think the point was mistakes in the advertising campaign. It was promoted as a historical drama, they tried to use advertising to intrigue the audience “secret plans of Hitler”. But they achieved the opposite: Oh, Hitler again, Stalin…that’s enough, we don’t need it.
This is a great movie about the great war.
And it was necessary to promote as comic, where Hitler issued orders on Skype, a young spy imagines himself as Zorro, surveillance camera, waiting near the door of the House of culture, and there is still a great love.
The situation with “Legend” is the opposite. I watched it at the very beginning of the rental, in a half-empty hall, and I was terribly worried, what a great movie that will now fail. Then the film becomes a popular hit, Putin raises this movie on the shield, and… it’s like everything the same movie, but now it seems to be part of a huge state colossus, and I got harder for him . You yourself feel that way?
I was afraid of this government’s attention to “Legend”, especially after meeting with the president, he was afraid that people will perceive this movie as I don’t know… promoting the Sochi 2014 and so on. Fortunately, his love and agitation so were not able to love. To me still fit strangers, thank, and they say the personal: “I felt that, bitch, I can too! He could not – and I can.” I even told my mother, as she recently struggled with poor health, repeating: “You’re not hurt, Kharlamov!” Only two or three of the people I heard something like “felt unprecedented pride for the country!”. The film is a powerful patriotic charge, there is nothing wrong, and it’s done, I think, accurately without (sings) “Russia – our great power, and you and the rest, shit.” I hate this patriotism, patriotism, pervert, it very much contempt for others and not just the desire to make himself and his life in the country better. For me, patriotism – it’s when you don’t throw cigarette butts on the ground past the bins and not when everyone is shouting about how much they love this land. If people at the same crap in the hallways about what patriotism is about? With entrances must begin, not with St. George ribbons and T-shirts with Olympic symbols.
Surprisingly, you’re almost the only actor who speaks about such things as a normal human language. And what you say, it’s not even a sedition in the usual sense. But now political loyalty, patriotism, and perhaps the healthy way of life come in one package. You need to be for all the good against the bad things.
We are all careful, and often the initiative comes not from the government but from ourselves. We think, just in case, we won’t. Nobody forbade us this, but…better not.
“Soulless” in this context is almost the exact opposite of “Legend”.
It was the first movie in a long time, that brought a real commercial success. About two and a half million people have watched it, for our two thousand cinemas that is quite a lot. People are grateful for “Soulless” too. It is clear that all of this is very tough, but it’s just a little movie about us, about this time, what is happening now. Few people can associate themselves with this hero, but this film is somehow, a little bit about us. These uprisings, the office life… We have a Bolotnay [in the film] also… a little while it was possible. People thanked for this mood. Legend is a more personal experience, it’s about what we can, what we can, everything is possible. Everyone has a dream, the desire to be successful, to take place. This is a wonderful wish, it is necessary, it is one of the main motors, motivations.
Well, your dream has come true. this crazy year has passed. Do you feel a little bit different in the end of this year than at the beginning?
No. This is without coquetry. That is, I understand that changes have occurred in me and around me, but that I feel different – no, I can’t say so.
This is what I mean. In Russia, if you do something well, then quickly hit his head on the ceiling. Here is one my friend and your countryman decided to be the best rapper in Russia. Took and began. Draws large halls simply by declaring «Vkontakte». And I really afraid, because what will he do next? Market conquered. You have no such fear?
I really like the quote by a famous American artist: «If your name’s not pronounce without hesitation somewhere in Karachi – you’re not a star». My name is already outside the Garden ring, as it seems to me until that very few people talking about something. In addition, the fame and stardom have an end, and the profession does not.
I would prefer the profession.
It can be infinitely develop and amazed. The possibilities for this are enormous, and I would like to continuously expand the space of the actor’s life.
Play here and in Hollywood?
“And why not? I am not going to argue if Russian cinema has or does not have a chance to integrate into the Western market. I can answer for myself: I know that, only having achieved success here, became interesting there. I strived for it and never hesitated. I was desperately interested in America, and I really enjoyed my first experience [ filming in «Vampire Academy», where Kozlovsky played a major role. - Approx. GQ].
It is obvious that Russian stars began to shoot more in the West. But partly – now I’m a little afraid to hurt you – it is because Russia itself has become the biggest export market. And the participation of Russians facilitates the distribution of films here.
Partly Yes, probably. It’s the same everywhere, this is normal. See how «our actor» played «them», – this is another reason to buy a movie ticket, but not the main, and «they» do not take each. In «Vampire Academy» my character was originally Russian, but in the book he’s been living in America, speaks fluent English, and the Director was looking for an actor among British and American ones and only in the last moment decided to try me.
How did it happen?
It’s a different story. A year ago I was in New York. Suddenly i felt that I needed something new to find, something for the future. Took off for an apartment in Soho on Mulberry and flew. Spent a month there.
You went to cafe Gitane? It is a favorite place for models.
Oh, fuck you!.. I didn’t know. Well, next time. In new York, I met with the agents, but not a lot – mostly went to the theater, museums, been all this time around. I changed and went home elated. In the spring, when I was already authorized in the «Academy», I figured out how the casting Director learned about me. It turns out she’s in a conversation with a New York friend said that they were make the film, looking for artists, including for the role of Dimitri Belikov. And she says to her: you know, one Russian guy went to my friend in the summer, you may be interested, look. Here is a chain and it’s amazing: I went to New York for a new life and found that role.
And where did they film Vampire Academy?
In London.
Well, Yes, America has no such castles.
My guys from the American group on set asked me all the time: “You were at Windsor castle? Oh, it’s so beautiful!” It was an ordinary lock. But for them it is something unprecedented.
How do you play in English?
I am unhappy with my tongue, so I cannot adequately assess. I did make a big role in English without a translator, but now I’m more intensively engaged with the teacher-American. This is required. Along other things, there is a factor of the accent.
Yes, this is the curse of the Russian accent. You can perfectly know the language and still play KGB generals for a lifetime.
It’s clear you can’t play an American. But if you evoke the samples they are interested in, they are already thinking: “why must the hero be an American? He can live in America for ten years…” They start adapting to you. But then you still have many things to do. It is necessary to work even more than they, and they are working like hell. When I was shooting “Legend” everyone around shook their heads: “Dude, wow, you worked hard for five-six hours, how well done…” And there [filming «Vampire Academy». - Approx. GQ] I had a pick-up at seven in the morning from the hotel, and we returned at seven in the evening. Every day we had 12 hours of continuous work: trainings, meetings with the Director, rehearsals, costume, make-up. And this is considered absolutely normal. You were approved for the main role? Cool, it’s great – now work. Really. Otherwise it is impossible.
Why is that?
Attitude. People treasure their place, name and reputation. Take, for example, a person who puts the ‘brand’, which runs artist in the frame. We are often put their view: “I will, of course, put, I work here, but I’m not going to talk about that.” If you don’t want to put the “mark”, if it demeans you – then don’t do it! But if you work – work. Filming “Vampire Academy” a guy did it (I’ll remember this for a lifetime) with radio, a tape and a bunch of different «brands». Some brands were – to put on the sand, others on the tree and so forth. As soon as I took a step, he immediately ran up and put a brand. It worked beautifully, obviously enjoyed it, and it was evident that he valued his place. Once at the beginning the Director showed me where to stop, asked where to put the «brand», so that was convenient. I told him not to, based on the Russian experience, I will remember for now this tree… you should have seen the director’s eyes: he did not understand what I said! And that guy looked at me like I was the person who wanted to take away his job. “What do you mean «you will remember»? It’s my work, I receive the money and I love it”. They really love it. We also cannot be blamed for lack of love for the cinema, but we allow ourselves to be a little ironic, and it is wrong. Remember, when issued «Patrols», artists who filmed there, talked to embarrassed laugh, as though apologizing: well, haha, «Patrols». And there, when артистысыграют in «Batman», they talk about it as though they had the role of hamlet or Mitya Karamazov. They enthusiastically talk about the «Batman» as a great movie, based on the mythology of the country. Fabulous.
This, incidentally, is the same situation as with the lack of palaces. America has no compulsive need to compare all of the best examples of their culture for three hundred years. They don’t see Batman and say “Well, it’s not a “Citizen Kane”, but the guy was trying”.
If they do something, it is serious. Sometimes I ask our actor: «what are you doing?» – He answers (Scornfully.) «Yes, …, am there… in a single series…» I understand, serials are not very good, but you’re not you played in them, but never to despise what you do. I was in the company of one filmmaker and his friends. We were sitting and talking. Talked about perfectionism and feel for good reason: people like listening to, but so little in his chair ramps … that’s already climbed into the phone, checked esemes … bored shorter. And then another artist recalls how they got drunk at the site and change someone ripped off. All immediately perked up, cheered. Interesting to hear about it, it is clear to us.
Your next role is Dubrovsky.
This is a modern story based on “Dubrovsky”. We assigned Pushkin’s story, and it is interesting connected with what is happening now. Quarrel with Troyekurov, chaos powers that turn people into rebel-Avengers, and so on.
And who is Dubrovsky in this scenario?
He is a successful lawyer whose life changed abruptly due to the death of his father: he comes face to face with a country which he had no conception about in Moscow, and his consciousness rotates 180 degrees.
Max of “Soulless” Kharlamov, Dubrovsky – icons. Does not it bother you that one by one you embodies known iconic characters? You’re like the year has played Batman Shtirlitsa and Michael Jordan.
I have not played them for a year. Movies come out in a row, but shot them at different times, “Soulless” and “Dubrovsky” – with pauses in the year. These films, by the way, did not start counting on me: I initially did not appear in the plans of the producers and Directors. But it so happened that I played these roles.
So it’s not that, “Danila Kozlovsky plays only great people.”
(Laughs) I’m not Tussauds Museum.
Interview with Woman.ru (Rough translation):
Danila Kozlovsky, who won in two categories ("Actor of the Year" and "Man of the Year"), looked slightly embarrassed everyone's attention and finally regained his hair short. The actor came to the ceremony alone, but beamed, despite the fact that I never was able to articulate why his own victory:
"I spent too much time in the status of" Man of the Year "to recognize what it is - to share with Woman.ru triumphant ceremony. - I do not know why I'm in this year's winner. And do not think I did anything special. All ahead. "
However, the role of high-profile Danila Kozlovsky, whether it is the main character in "Duhless" or Valery Kharlamov of "Legends of the number 17," - says it all about the actor speaks volumes.
Yes i released three movies during the year.
Two successful movies, “Spy” has failed but I love it. I think it is fresh in an unusual kind of heroic comics.
Unfortunately, he did not become popular. I think the point was mistakes in the advertising campaign. It was promoted as a historical drama, they tried to use advertising to intrigue the audience “secret plans of Hitler”. But they achieved the opposite: Oh, Hitler again, Stalin…that’s enough, we don’t need it.
And it was necessary to promote as comic, where Hitler issued orders on Skype, a young spy imagines himself as Zorro, surveillance camera, waiting near the door of the House of culture, and there is still a great love.
I was afraid of this government’s attention to “Legend”, especially after meeting with the president, he was afraid that people will perceive this movie as I don’t know… promoting the Sochi 2014 and so on. Fortunately, his love and agitation so were not able to love. To me still fit strangers, thank, and they say the personal: “I felt that, bitch, I can too! He could not – and I can.” I even told my mother, as she recently struggled with poor health, repeating: “You’re not hurt, Kharlamov!” Only two or three of the people I heard something like “felt unprecedented pride for the country!”. The film is a powerful patriotic charge, there is nothing wrong, and it’s done, I think, accurately without (sings) “Russia – our great power, and you and the rest, shit.” I hate this patriotism, patriotism, pervert, it very much contempt for others and not just the desire to make himself and his life in the country better. For me, patriotism – it’s when you don’t throw cigarette butts on the ground past the bins and not when everyone is shouting about how much they love this land. If people at the same crap in the hallways about what patriotism is about? With entrances must begin, not with St. George ribbons and T-shirts with Olympic symbols.
We are all careful, and often the initiative comes not from the government but from ourselves. We think, just in case, we won’t. Nobody forbade us this, but…better not.
It was the first movie in a long time, that brought a real commercial success. About two and a half million people have watched it, for our two thousand cinemas that is quite a lot. People are grateful for “Soulless” too. It is clear that all of this is very tough, but it’s just a little movie about us, about this time, what is happening now. Few people can associate themselves with this hero, but this film is somehow, a little bit about us. These uprisings, the office life… We have a Bolotnay [in the film] also… a little while it was possible. People thanked for this mood. Legend is a more personal experience, it’s about what we can, what we can, everything is possible. Everyone has a dream, the desire to be successful, to take place. This is a wonderful wish, it is necessary, it is one of the main motors, motivations.
No. This is without coquetry. That is, I understand that changes have occurred in me and around me, but that I feel different – no, I can’t say so.
I really like the quote by a famous American artist: «If your name’s not pronounce without hesitation somewhere in Karachi – you’re not a star». My name is already outside the Garden ring, as it seems to me until that very few people talking about something. In addition, the fame and stardom have an end, and the profession does not.
It can be infinitely develop and amazed. The possibilities for this are enormous, and I would like to continuously expand the space of the actor’s life.
“And why not? I am not going to argue if Russian cinema has or does not have a chance to integrate into the Western market. I can answer for myself: I know that, only having achieved success here, became interesting there. I strived for it and never hesitated. I was desperately interested in America, and I really enjoyed my first experience [ filming in «Vampire Academy», where Kozlovsky played a major role. - Approx. GQ].
Partly Yes, probably. It’s the same everywhere, this is normal. See how «our actor» played «them», – this is another reason to buy a movie ticket, but not the main, and «they» do not take each. In «Vampire Academy» my character was originally Russian, but in the book he’s been living in America, speaks fluent English, and the Director was looking for an actor among British and American ones and only in the last moment decided to try me.
It’s a different story. A year ago I was in New York. Suddenly i felt that I needed something new to find, something for the future. Took off for an apartment in Soho on Mulberry and flew. Spent a month there.
Oh, fuck you!.. I didn’t know. Well, next time. In new York, I met with the agents, but not a lot – mostly went to the theater, museums, been all this time around. I changed and went home elated. In the spring, when I was already authorized in the «Academy», I figured out how the casting Director learned about me. It turns out she’s in a conversation with a New York friend said that they were make the film, looking for artists, including for the role of Dimitri Belikov. And she says to her: you know, one Russian guy went to my friend in the summer, you may be interested, look. Here is a chain and it’s amazing: I went to New York for a new life and found that role.
In London.
My guys from the American group on set asked me all the time: “You were at Windsor castle? Oh, it’s so beautiful!” It was an ordinary lock. But for them it is something unprecedented.
I am unhappy with my tongue, so I cannot adequately assess. I did make a big role in English without a translator, but now I’m more intensively engaged with the teacher-American. This is required. Along other things, there is a factor of the accent.
It’s clear you can’t play an American. But if you evoke the samples they are interested in, they are already thinking: “why must the hero be an American? He can live in America for ten years…” They start adapting to you. But then you still have many things to do. It is necessary to work even more than they, and they are working like hell. When I was shooting “Legend” everyone around shook their heads: “Dude, wow, you worked hard for five-six hours, how well done…” And there [filming «Vampire Academy». - Approx. GQ] I had a pick-up at seven in the morning from the hotel, and we returned at seven in the evening. Every day we had 12 hours of continuous work: trainings, meetings with the Director, rehearsals, costume, make-up. And this is considered absolutely normal. You were approved for the main role? Cool, it’s great – now work. Really. Otherwise it is impossible.
Attitude. People treasure their place, name and reputation. Take, for example, a person who puts the ‘brand’, which runs artist in the frame. We are often put their view: “I will, of course, put, I work here, but I’m not going to talk about that.” If you don’t want to put the “mark”, if it demeans you – then don’t do it! But if you work – work. Filming “Vampire Academy” a guy did it (I’ll remember this for a lifetime) with radio, a tape and a bunch of different «brands». Some brands were – to put on the sand, others on the tree and so forth. As soon as I took a step, he immediately ran up and put a brand. It worked beautifully, obviously enjoyed it, and it was evident that he valued his place. Once at the beginning the Director showed me where to stop, asked where to put the «brand», so that was convenient. I told him not to, based on the Russian experience, I will remember for now this tree… you should have seen the director’s eyes: he did not understand what I said! And that guy looked at me like I was the person who wanted to take away his job. “What do you mean «you will remember»? It’s my work, I receive the money and I love it”. They really love it. We also cannot be blamed for lack of love for the cinema, but we allow ourselves to be a little ironic, and it is wrong. Remember, when issued «Patrols», artists who filmed there, talked to embarrassed laugh, as though apologizing: well, haha, «Patrols». And there, when артистысыграют in «Batman», they talk about it as though they had the role of hamlet or Mitya Karamazov. They enthusiastically talk about the «Batman» as a great movie, based on the mythology of the country. Fabulous.
If they do something, it is serious. Sometimes I ask our actor: «what are you doing?» – He answers (Scornfully.) «Yes, …, am there… in a single series…» I understand, serials are not very good, but you’re not you played in them, but never to despise what you do. I was in the company of one filmmaker and his friends. We were sitting and talking. Talked about perfectionism and feel for good reason: people like listening to, but so little in his chair ramps … that’s already climbed into the phone, checked esemes … bored shorter. And then another artist recalls how they got drunk at the site and change someone ripped off. All immediately perked up, cheered. Interesting to hear about it, it is clear to us.
This is a modern story based on “Dubrovsky”. We assigned Pushkin’s story, and it is interesting connected with what is happening now. Quarrel with Troyekurov, chaos powers that turn people into rebel-Avengers, and so on.
He is a successful lawyer whose life changed abruptly due to the death of his father: he comes face to face with a country which he had no conception about in Moscow, and his consciousness rotates 180 degrees.
I have not played them for a year. Movies come out in a row, but shot them at different times, “Soulless” and “Dubrovsky” – with pauses in the year. These films, by the way, did not start counting on me: I initially did not appear in the plans of the producers and Directors. But it so happened that I played these roles.
So it’s not that, “Danila Kozlovsky plays only great people.”
(Laughs) I’m not Tussauds Museum.
(Laughs) I’m not Tussauds Museum.
Interview with Woman.ru (Rough translation):
"I spent too much time in the status of" Man of the Year "to recognize what it is - to share with Woman.ru triumphant ceremony. - I do not know why I'm in this year's winner. And do not think I did anything special. All ahead. "
However, the role of high-profile Danila Kozlovsky, whether it is the main character in "Duhless" or Valery Kharlamov of "Legends of the number 17," - says it all about the actor speaks volumes.
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