Friday, September 6, 2013

BFTV Interviews Richelle Mead

Have you ever wondered what it takes to launch a film franchise? Richelle Mead’s popular Vampire Academy book series is becoming a movie next spring with Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters, starring Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, and Danila Kozlovsky.  BFTV sat down with Richelle to ask how you translate hugely successful novels to the big screen and what it’s like to be in the same genre as phenomenons like Twilight and The Vampire Diaries.
Could she have ever envisioned that there would be an adaptation? “No, and I didn’t believe it even when it was first talked about a couple of years ago,” she laughed. “There’s a lot of talk in Hollywood, a lot of books are optioned and nothing ever happens. It has just been kind of mind-blowing. They’ve actually got such a dream team for me – Mark Waters, the director and Daniel Waters, the writer, who are big favorites of mine. I’m just thrilled.”
It’s more than she expected when she said ‘yes’ to the project. “Authors, it’s a sad fact, we have a very small role in this,” she explained. “When you sign away your rights, you really do sign away your rights. The best you can hope for is that you trust the people you’re getting into business with to do a good job.
“The production company [Preger Entertainment], they got involved with Vampire Academy out of love. They read the books and were just captivated. And that’s reassuring to me as an author. It wasn’t someone who took it simply as a business deal. Even though no one ever has to talk to me again as the author, they do, which is great. Mark would email me about ‘Is XYZ okay for costumes? What about this?’ The fact that they were concerned with my input is just another great sign that they do care about the story.”
Read more from Richelle's BFTV Interview HERE

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