Zoey, Lucy, Dom, and Sami attended New York Comic Con for the very first Vampire Academy Movie Panel along with Director Mark Waters and Screenwriter Dan Waters! Check out all pictures, videos, interviews and more from each cast member below. We will keep updating this post as more come in!

Cast Meet & Greet and Autograph Signing LQ:
(You can view HQ Meet & Greet + Autograph Signing photos HERE)

Richelle's Video Panel Message:

Full Panel Videos:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Sizzle Reel
*UPDATE: You can watch or download the sizzle reel footage HERE
Zoey Deutch
Sizzle Reel
*UPDATE: You can watch or download the sizzle reel footage HERE
Zoey Deutch
Sami Gayle
Autograph Signing:
Panel Videos:
Zoey talks about Danila:
Personal Message from Zoey:
- The panel opens with a message from @RichelleMead! Any Wilkenson from MTV is moderating
- Marks waters says they are deep in post prod &they've started to preview it. He is very excited by the product
- . @ZoeyDeutch says she did tons of training to become Rose and she had to drink gross shakes to build muscle
- . @LucyFryOfficial auditioned multiple times. She was backpacking and was added last minute
- Zoey drove Lucy home from her audition Lucy says 'she was my guardian from the start'
- Dominic Sherwood takes about auditioning¬ meeting Lucy until the 6th audition. He got offered the part 3 daysb4 film
- The kissing scene took place on the 2nd day of filming Dominic and Lucy were nervous Zoey said it was soo cute
- . Sami Gayle says it was fun playing the mean girl but finding out what made her that ways was interesting
- Dan Waters says he finds writing males boring they are simple & he lives writing females BC they are more intereting
- With Rosé he loved that he could go crazy¬ filter the character BC that is Rose He goes to his Zoey place when he writes crazy females
- Zoey talks @KozlovskyD he is versatile, can feel your energy & change w/it. He is very fun even though he ays serious
- Lust charm scene! Zoey says there is a comic element but it makes her blush!
- Dan Waters says his fav part was directing his brothers script
- Lucy says her fav part was getting to work with so many amazing peopleDom says it was great to work on something w/a huge fanbase
- @BreanneNYC: The gorgeous @amymwilk moderating the #VampireAcademy panel at #NYCC #GoGirl!
- Footage! Seriously some great scenes! Rose training with Mason. Rose bunching Mia! @ZoeyDeutch is perfect as Rose
- Rolf Kent is doing the score for the filmThe soundtrack is in the early stages so far there is one cover&1 original.
- Zoey says there are many redeeming qualities about Rose but she makes mistakes & that makes her multidimensional
- Lucy says Rose also puts Lissa first. Lissa goes through alot and she is affected by others pain
- Dominic says that Christian is dark & he is all or nothing & he gives all his love to Lissa who owns his heart
- Sami says that Mia is bratty but in the end she is very insecure and trying to find herself
- Lucy says being a moroi is more about life than death and no other vamp movie has captured that
- Dan Waters says that he didn't feel the pressure when writing until he opened the door&he stills feel the pressure
- Dan says the way Richelle reacted to the script made him feel great & he thinks it was a challenge & loves a challenge
- Fan asks about cut scenes and Mark says you have to ask Danny! Who says he consolidated scenes.
- Dan says that he doesn't have Dimitri but lip gloss he couldn't have his string Russian doing that. Jokingly people offer him lip gloss!
- Mark says that something cool happens when Rose goes into Lissas head. Visually it is very cool
- Dan says when Sami showed up she gave Mia game and made her modern
- That's the end of the panel! Be on the look out for our interviews in the next few days
- "I haven't shown it to my thespians yet." Mark Waters on status of #vamovie
- "Drinking repulsive protein shakes" was part of Zoey's training regimen.
- "I just want you to look at one last self tape" -sentence that landed Lucy Fry the part of Lissa
- I got offered the part and three days later we were at table reads. - Dominic
- Kissing scene between Lissa and Christian took like 900 takes, according to Zoey
- "She's really hiding her insecurities of her poor upbringing" - Sam Gayle on Mia
- Dan Waters: "not having kids and not having a good relationship" are why he write great teenage girls
- "Finally this is a character I don't have to hold back on." - Dan Waters on Rose
- "You weren't even sperm when Heathers came out." Dan Waters to Zoey Deutch
- "I could not think of a part he could not play." Zoey on Danila
- Footage spoiler. Best quote: "everybody saw that I tried to take the high road there. Sort of."
- "It's not always that you see the heroine making a lot of mistakes." Zoey on what's special about Rose
- "Nobody told me what I was getting into." Dan Waters on #vamovie fandom
- "I can't have Dimitri buy lipgloss." Dan Waters on what he changed from book to movie
- Lucy re: Zoey - "My guardian from the beginning" because @ZoeyDeutch drove @LucyFryOfficial home from audition
- Zoey Deutch on Danila #VampireAcademy Says they were goofballs together
- Guys, the full #VampireAcademy trailer is AWESOME!!! Can't wait til you see it!
- Choice line from the #VampireAcademy trailer: "I tried to take the high road there. Sort of." -Rose, after knocking out Mia
- Dan Waters on what isn't in #VampireAcademy movie: "I can't have Dimitri buy lip gloss. I can't emasculate my Russian like that!"
- One scene cut from book: Dimitri doesn't buy Rose the lipgloss
- All the major scenes in the book are in the movie
- Sorry guys no service I'll send out some tweet recaps of Vampire Academy panel now...
- Zoey said she trained for months and drank nasty protein shakes
- Zoey drove Lucy home after auditions and Lucy called her "my guardian"
- Showed new trailer. It had lots of Rose kicking ass and Rose punching Mia in the face
- In line to meet the cast of Vampire Academy right now. Ahhh!!
- They gave away tote bags with shirts at panel. Will giveaway one on my blog
- Just caught a brand new #VampireAcademy trailer. Think you'll like it! Full description coming soon on @comingsoonnet
- Dimitri will not be buying any lip gloss in the film.
- 3 highlights from VA/NYCC: Dan Waters on star Zoey Deutch: You weren't even sperm when Heathers came out.
- Lucy Fry explaining how Zoey refused to let her walk home from her audition: "Zoey was my guardian from the first moment."
- 3rd highlight: the new trailer. Holy shit, people. Also: the full room gasp when it was revealed we would see it.
- Oh! One last one: screenwriter Dan Waters on why VA was so fun to adapt: "It's Rose Hathaway, bitches."
- @Royal_Guardian there's a Mia moment that...I wanted to cheer.
Read a short article about the Vampire Academy Panel and the footage that was shown HERE
Another article from comingsoon.net: HERE
Recap by HYPABLE
Fangirlishness Interviews Sami Gayle HERE
Read a short article about the Vampire Academy Panel and the footage that was shown HERE
Another article from comingsoon.net: HERE
Recap by HYPABLE
Fangirlishness Interviews Sami Gayle HERE
All photo credits are from Instagram and Twitter. Please see our disclaimer if you'd like us to add your name or remove any content.
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